Ayurveda: Seasonal Tips

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seasonal Tips

August -  The Height of the Pitta Season

AugustIn mid-late August we are heading towards the maximum accumulation of Pitta

So we are still well embedded in the Pitta season and that is the main dosha for most people to take care of.  Pitta accumulates in the body throughout the summer so going towards the end of the pitta season is a good time to really make a big effort to get rid of that excess Pitta. It’s good to spend time out of doors, but it’s important to protect yourself from the sun during the middle part of the day.

Use Ayurveda Products

During this season it is very helpful to use the Ayurveda products that are associated with reducing Pitta, such as Pitta Aroma and Pitta reducing spices in the form of Pitta Churna. With aromas, it is useful to use Sandalwood, or Rose or Lavender, and these can be used any time during the day, but particularly if you are in a hot environment.

If you are in an enclosed environment, it is helpful to keep the Pitta under control. For example, it might be a good time to use Pitta aroma in the car, where it will have an impact on the tendency towards irritability during driving.  When you don’t have access to open air and are in a hot environment, it’s good to splash the face with water to reduce Pitta. If you have too much exposure to sun, then consider applying coconut oil or Aloe Vera gel to the skin. If there are any symptoms of irritability, changing the abhyanga massage oil to the head to coconut oil is recommended. Coconut is more cooling than sesame oil.

Avoid Excessive Exercise

For exercise, swimming is good, and taking walks by water and in woodland is very helpful. It is important for Pitta people, during this period, to avoid excessive exercise over the midday period. It is better to take exercise in the early morning or evening.

Foods to Avoid

Try to avoid or reduce very Pitta-aggravating foods, such as hot peppers and very hot curries. Also reduce or avoid coffee, chocolate, sour fruit, tomatoes and vinegar; and keep alcohol to a minimum. Also hard cheeses, because they are very salty and sour.  Favour foods which are sweet, bitter and astringent. Sweet foods would include grains, such as rice, and the sweet fruits such as peaches, pears, grapes, nectarines, very ripe kiwis, leeches and melons.  Astringent and bitter foods include lentils (pulses), which have a drying effect on the mouth, spinach, asparagus, cabbage and broccoli. Its good to take all six tastes, ideally with every meal, because then, in a natural way, you get a cross section of all the nutrients which are necessary. The taste is an indication towards the nutrient contained in the food. Pitta has the quality of heat plus some moist quality, so balancing Pitta needs cool, drying qualities in food and activity. Pitta is aggravated when the climate is hot and humid, so Pitta types are  advised not to take their holiday somewhere hot and humid.

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