Ayurveda: Seasonal Tips

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seasonal Tips

September - Start of the Vata Season

SeptemberAccording to Ayurveda, Vata is the governing intelligence responsible for movement, both in nature and in our physiology. Vata accumulates in the cold, windy Vata season, which runs from mid-September until late-December.

Symptoms of Vata imbalance

An over-busy mind; difficulty in getting to sleep; a tendency to worry. Stiff joints; aches; wind in the stomach; irregularity in bowel movements.

Behaviour which exacerbates Vata imbalance are: frequent travel; irregular mealtimes; overwork; late nights. To balance Vata, Ayurveda recommends: regularity in your daily routine; take warm cooked food in the middle of the day; bed by 10 pm and early to rise; a morning body massage with warm sesame oil; regular exercise to half your capacity.

If your digestion and/or elimination suffers take more warm moist foods such as soups and milky puddings. Take fresh or stewed fruit in the morning - figs, prunes apricots or raisins. Try Transcendental Meditation and Pranayama help to balance Vata, especially in the mind.

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