Ayurveda: Seasonal Tips

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seasonal Tips

July - The Height of Summer

July is also Pitta season and Pitta is perhaps even more increased now and so all the tip and advices that were relevant to June such as having lots of fun and enjoying Pitta-reducing diet are all the more relevant in July.

If you think of the appropriate joys that are soothing to pitta, high on the list has to be water. Pitta is the element of fire and it is soothed and balanced in the presence of water which is why you will choose the sea or the lakes as a site for your holidays. Even to look at the sea or the lakes, listen to water, to swim in it, to sail on it, is all very soothing to Pitta.

Other things that are soothing to Pitta are agreeable company, because disagreements are very provoking for Pitta, so enjoy your friends and family. Food soothes Pitta but your digestive capacity is a little bit diminished and the energy drops with the heat, sun. So choose the Pitta-reducing foods but keep the meals moderate in size and light, easy to digest.

Nice meals in pleasant company are very Pitta-pacifying experiences. Other things are music, especially the flute. Wind instruments are lovely for Pitta. And because of the eyes being Pitta, sight being Pitta, beauty is very soothing, so look and enjoy nature and art and things of beauty is very soothing for Pitta.

One more consideration at this height of the summer season is the drying effect of this warm weather, and by virtue of the heat starting to dry us, our Vata will start at this stage to be slightly increased.

The heat of the summer will contain it, yet that quality of dryness is the first increase of Vata coming towards the autumn and that is why it is valuable to consider now to continue or to restart your daily oil massage. You may have gone off the sesame oil because of its heating property when it came into the summer, but it’s nice to know that the coconut oil, because it is very cooling, would be very refreshing and enjoyable as a massage oil now. Sunflower oil would be an alternative, as it would balance both the Pitta and the Vata.

Generally our imbalances tend to be more Vata and Kapha, and so summertime is a lovely time. For most of us it brings better balance, and the trick is to enjoy.


  1. Pitta-reducing diet - include sweet, bitter and astringent tastes; avoid fermented foods; use mild and cooling Pitta Spice Blend; see culinary guide wall chart for seasonal advice on foods.
  2. Choose water - sea, lakes and rivers.
  3. Agreeable company - family and friends.
  4. Digestive capacity - moderate, light meals; main meal at midday, Maharishi Ayurveda Aci-Balance for delicate digestion.
  5. Music - elevating Gandharva Veda flute melodies suitable for the time of day.
  6. The eyes and beauty soothing surroundings; beautiful Nature, uplifting art.
  7. Dryness of skin - morning oil massage with cooling coconut or sunflower oil.
  8. Enjoyment - take time to appreciate.

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