Ayurveda: Seasonal Tips

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seasonal Tips

November - The Height of the Vata Season

November - The Height of the Vata SeasonNovember is the height of Vata season and it’s a most beautiful time in nature when the colours are most enjoyable. Its as if nature is beckoning us out to enjoy its finery. And this is very appropriate because nature is a very settling influence and to be in nature – gentle walks, enjoying the colours – is a very Vata pacifying occupation. Similarly, sorting out the garden is settling for Vata.

The most important thing at this point in the year is that nature has gone into rest mode. The whole of the environment is resting and so should we. So, at this time of the year very early to bed, and days off in the week, and relaxed meals and a good break at lunchtime. Just continuing to take life easier and be more at home at this time of the year. This is not the time of year for major undertakings or lots of travel. It’s rest, walk, comfort, companionship.

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