Ayurveda: Seasonal Tips

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seasonal Tips

December - The End of The Vata Season

DecemberDecember is overwhelmed by Christmas, and it’s valuable to keep in mind the reason for having Christmas. This is the end of the Vata season and its now essential to balance the increased Vata. So traditionally, lovely heavy foods, lots of rest, companionship of family and friends, are all features of Christmas to settle Vata at the end of the Vata season.

It’s therefore important to use Christmas for this purpose. Avoid getting manic buying, wrapping, sending postcards, excess partying, especially in the run up to Christmas as Vata now will be very easily provoked. It is more in the vein of the traditional perspective to be respectful and restful and kind to your own physiology, which is the instrument for the divine to manifest in our mundane world.  Immediately after Christmas is the time when we are changing to Kapha season, so let the feast end at Christmas and be determined to get out for a good walk on the 26th of December.

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