Ayurveda: Seasonal Tips

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seasonal Tips

April - Fasting, Exercise and Detox Herbals


In April, we are now in Kapha season, but we are now definitely into Spring and this is the time for spring cleaning

Because Kapha has predominated in our bodies over the last two or three months it now becomes more liquid and fluid in the body and more easy to move around the body. The toxins which gather in our tissues when we go out of balance are of a Kapha nature. So because the Kapha is more fluid, it’s most easy at this time of the year to eliminate these toxins from our tissues.

So how are you going to spring clean your body if it’s accumulated\toxins?

One very good strategy is a fast, and traditionally at this time of the year there is 40 days of fasting, during Lent, around Easter time. Fasting is determined by your own nature. If you are very Kapha or have a Kapha imbalance, strong fasting is indicated. Pitta is moderate fasting, and Vata a light fast.

Certainly what would be good for everybody at this time of year would be to eat lightly for a day. In other words, some light fruit for breakfast, a good thick soup or kedgeree, which is rice and dhal soup, for lunch, and a light vegetable soup in the evening. In between meals, teas or sips of hot water help.

Almost all could manage a light day every week, but if someone was very Kapha, a week of eating nice nourishing soups and fresh fruits, particularly apples, pears would be a good strategy.

With fasting, we could put the rider if you are considering doing a strong fast it would be advisable to check with an Ayurvedic physician to ensure it is appropriate for your nature or your imbalance. Overdoing fasting can disturb Vata which will have a detrimental effects.

So besides fasting, other ways of detoxing would include simple things like sipping hot water often through the day. That tends to move water-soluble toxins through the kidneys. Again, another way of helping the body to get rid of toxins is by taking exercise, as we discussed in February.

The use of Herbal Preparations

Another strategy in helping the body clear its toxins is the use of herbal preparations.

One herbal is called Detox tablets MA1010, and this is useful as it supports the detox organs of the body such as the liver, kidney and skin to clear the toxins, as well as functioning on the cellular level to help the cells clean themselves.

However if you are very Pitta or have a Pitta imbalance you will be better off choosing the Detox Pitta MA1663. Taking this product helps removes toxins without creating too much heat, or Pitta.


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