Ayurveda: Seasonal Tips

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seasonal Tips

May - A Change of Season

MayMay is joyful time of transition – a change of season

Kapha season comes to and end and Pitta season, the one most people love, starts. The reason we love the summer is that it tends to balance our Kapha and our Vata, which our changeable, damp, cold weather overall tends to put out of balance. However, Ayurveda cautions that we should be discreet and careful at the change of season. Over a two-week period we should let go of strategies for balancing Kapha and adapt and adjust to those strategies which reduce Pitta for the oncoming season.

Two things to specifically to keep in mind for the summer

One is a change of diet

Pitta-reducing foods are much more a summer fare. We naturally, at this time, prefer the salads and the leafy greens and the sweet fruits, which soothe Pitta. Now is the time to cut back on hot spices, and oily foods are not good for Pitta, so we go for lighter, cooler diet with sweet and bitter and astringent tastes.

The second strategy for summer is to enjoy plenty of fun

This is the season of fulfilment, and nature is most productive at this time. So it is good for us to enjoy the fulfilment of life, and naturally we tend to take holidays and time out for fun, especially to be by water because pitta is fiery in nature. So whether you swim, or walk by the beach, or listen to the waves, or look at the lakes, it is very soothing for Pitta in the summer.

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