Ayurveda: Seasonal Tips

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seasonal Tips

February - We should think a bit more about exercise

 February is a continuation of the Kapha season, and since Kapha has qualities of being sluggish and dull and stable and grounded, the opposite qualities will bring balance, and exercise more than anything else brings movement and lightness and quickness, and stimulates the system.

Exercise is excellent to stimulate all the body’s metabolisms and thereby to burn off toxins which otherwise gather. So it flushes out tissues and causes a feeling of renewal. At this time of year it is the most important time for taking exercise. Traditionally at this time people would have been getting more physically active in preparation for Spring, and it’s also noteworthy that the sunlight is increasing and this also brings us more vitality and energy at this time.

Also traditionally, this was the time of year when more physically active sports were played, such as squash and weightlifting and cross country running. So, it’s the right time for plenty of exercise, but you should be aware of your own individual nature and capacity for exercise.

If you are predominantly in Vata, or tend to a Vata imbalance, exercise you choose should be gentle and not too demanding. So, half an hour’s brisk walk is good exercise, or things like Yoga or Tai Chi or Pilates.

Vata has to be cautious because Vatas can get addicted to the excitement of exercise and end up overdoing it. But certainly, exercise preceded or followed by an oil massage is a lovely balanced rejuvenation for Vata.

For Pitta exercise should be moderate because of their moderate stamina and strength. Pittas would enjoy jogging or cycling, or team sports like soccer. Any water sports are excellent for Pitta as Pittas tend to be fiery, hot natured. As Pittas can overheat in exercise, it’s important not to burn out overdoing it, and necessary to remember their moderate stamina and strength. A lovely refresh strategy for Pitta is a cold shower, or a coconut oil massage to follow the exercise.
 Exercise for Kapha is a must, and in general for Kapha the more exercise the merrier. So, demanding physical sports suit the strong nature of Kapha – rugby, marathons, triathlons – any exercise that’s stimulating and demanding would be good for Kapha. And the more the merrier.

In general, the timing of exercise should be as follows: for Kapha it’s good at any time of day; for Pitta and Vata certainly the Kapha time of day – early morning from six until ten, or early evening from six until eight - are ideal times. Vatas probably better not exercise too much in Vata time – between two and six in the afternoon – in case it over stimulates their vata.

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