Ayurveda: Seasonal Tips

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Seasonal Tips

January - The Kapha Season

 In January we have moved into Kapha season. The cold damp heavy dull weather increases the qualities of kapha. Because of that it is essential that we work to keep kapha more balanced in the winter especially after Xmas when we may have tended to overeat and been lethargic.

It’s very important that we should do the opposite - start to be more dynamic, more active. Choose more activities, more interests, and more things that are stimulating and enjoyable to do.

The theme of activity follows through to exercise

This is the time of the year when exercise is most important. And so during January your New Year’s resolutions should include to get out and about more and be more physically active in whatever way you enjoy.

Sleeping in is a very bad policy

To be early up in the winter is much better. Foods to eat in the winter should be more kapha-reducing foods. These should include plenty of hot spicy foods; all the spices except salt are good. Eating a variety of grains is very useful but cut down on the wheat and brown rice.

The pulses are good, and most vegetables are good. Fruits are variable, some are good for kapha and some are not. Certainly stewed apple with cloves for breakfast is excellent – it is nutritious, cleansing and enlivening all at the same time. See recipe below.

Eating appropriately and not overeating becomes important in the winter. And if we make these changes in the winter - getting up early, getting a bit more exercise, eating appropriately and choosing the right foods – then we enjoy more energy, success and health in this season.

If we don’t balance kapha at this time of the year we’ll be prone to colds and to putting on more weight, to feeling a bit down and depressed, and being more lethargic and sluggish.

Cooked Apples with Cloves 

Start the day with a stewed apple to build appetite for lunch, stimulate regular bowel movements, increase vitality and alertness, and provide a light but satisfying start to the day.
  • 1 whole fresh, sweet apple, cored and peeled
  • 5 whole cloves
  • 1/4 cup of purified water
Directions: Dice apple into small pieces. Add cloves, apples and water in a covered pot. Cook until the apples are soft. Discard the cloves, cool slightly, and enjoy.

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