Ayurveda: Home Remedies for Treating Low Libido

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Home Remedies for Treating Low Libido

From among the instinctual needs of any human being, one is that of sex. However, sexual instinct or sexual drive is not similar in all- it ranges from low to excessive desire for sex. With increasing stress and “not so healthy lifestyle”, low libido has become more common these days. The problem of low sexual drive was present in ancient time too. As such, there are many Ayurvedic treatments for curing this problem.

Ayurveda on Low Libido
There are Ayurvedic therapies for almost all of the known diseases. It also gives a treatment for increasing libido which is known as Vaajikarana. This therapy increases the strength of a man to perform sexual act, just like a 'Vaaji' or horse, thus called 'Vajikarana'. This therapy leads to overall happiness, strength, potency to produce offspring, and increased duration of erection. The original scriptures of Ayurveda by Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata, describe such simple remedies that can be followed with the help of easily available ingredients in any kitchen. However, before moving on to these home remedies for increasing libido, one must also know the causes of low sex drive so that they may be avoided.

Causes of Low Libido
Ayurveda mentions the following causes for decreased Libido
  • Compulsive sex with a person who is not liked by the partner.
  • Anxiety and stress.
  • Destruction caused to semen by consumption of spicy, salty and hot food.
  • Overindulgence in sexual activities leading to low quantity of semen.
  • Controlling sexual urges for longer duration leading to obstruction of semen which in turn results in low libido.
  • Impotence by birth.

Home Remedies for Increasing Libido
  • Consume eggs of fish/ swan/ peacock/ hen. Fry them in pure ghee before eating.
  • Have sweet soup made from black gram. Mix black gram, rice, wheat and long pepper in equal quantities. Grind them to make powder. Fry the mixture in pure ghee and then cook it with milk. Eat after adding sugar to it.
  • Mix Triphala powder in water. Keep it away for half an hour. Add a table spoon of pure honey. Have this in early morning daily.
  • Add a tea spoon of honey in a glass of milk and drink. It increases resistance against diseases and give strength and feeling of wellness, necessary for general health including libido.

Herbal Remedies for Increasing Libido
Apart from the common ingredients, there are some Indian herbs that also cure the problem of low libido as well as other sex problems.

Shilajit (asphaltum, mineral pitch) – Shilajit not only increases body immunity but also acts as a aphrodisiac agent by arising sexual drive. It improves blood circulation and thereby maintains proper blood supply to the penis and testicular area. The quality of sperms is improved by this herb and it also increases body vigor. For all its qualities, it is rightly said the Indian Viagra.

Safed musli (curculigo orchioides) – Popular by the name of alternative Viagra, Safed musli is one of the most effective aphrodisiac agent. The roots of safed musli not only increase the sexual drive but also improves physical stamina.

Akarakara (Spanish pellitory, anacylus pyrethrum) – This herb is known as a very good sexual enhancer that not only excellently improves the sexual life of the patient but also makes him perform in such a way that leads to orgasm in his partner. It is used to treat the sexual problems like premature ejaculation, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction and impotence. It also improves sperm count.

Ashwagandha (withinia somnifera) – Ashwagandha increases sexual potential on one hand and solves sexual problems on the other. It improves the blood circulation, increases stamina and enhances sperm count. It is popular by the name of Indian ginseng due to its properties that are similar to ginseng.

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