Ayurveda: Health Benefits of Sesame, Rapeseed, Linseed and Groundnut

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Health Benefits of Sesame, Rapeseed, Linseed and Groundnut

Ayurveda is the natural way of being healthy. It always advocates naturally occurring herbal products for keeping human body healthy. Apart from using barks, leaves, roots, fruits, and flowers of various plants, Ayurveda also uses seeds of many plants for general health conditions as well as for curing many diseases. Some of these seeds are Sesame, Rapeseed, Linseed and Groundnut. Let's see how they are beneficial for human health.

Sesame is one of many important Indian herbs which is the source of sesame seed or benniseed and sesame oil. Sesame oil has powerful antioxidants, which can lower high blood pressure. Some of the uses of sesame are described below:

Cold: Rub warm sesame oil on the patient’s chest skin until the skin feels warm. Do it just before going to bed.

Diarrhea: Mix ground sesame seed in the mixture of 150 – 200 ml of water (boiled and cooled off) and 1 teaspoon of honey. Drink in small portions till the upset stomach is cured.

Gastritis and ulcerative colitis: Consume half to one tablespoon of sesame oil 1 – 3 times per day.

Constipation: To cure constipation, take half to one tablespoon of sesame oil daily. Increase the dose (double it up) if experiencing chronic constipation.

Intestinal colic: Sesame is also useful for child care, specially when experiencing acute abdominal pain. Rub a little quantity of oil into the belly till the skin absorbs the oil fully.

Skin irritations: Sesame is used to treat inflammation of skin and on mucous membranes. Take juice of aloe vera leaves and vine fruits in equal parts. Mix one part of this mixture with one part of sesame oil. Apply externally on itching skin areas. It can also be taken orally (1 tablespoon 2 – 3 times a day).

Inflammation of breast: Sesame is also good for women's health. In case of mastitis or inflammation of breast, roast a portion of sesame seeds and grind them into powder. Mix it with vegetable oil and apply to the areas of the inflammatory gland.

Rapeseed is the seed of rape plants and the source of an edible oil. Cold pressed rapeseed oil has very low levels of saturated fat. It contains 59% mono-unsaturated fats and3 0% poly unsaturated fats which contribute in lowering harmful LDL cholesterols. It is also a natural source of Vitamin E, a strong anti-oxidant which protects against heart diseases, cancer, ageing and for skin care.

Inflammation: Grind the rapeseeds and apply it on the swollen part of the body.

Gastritis: Apply rapeseed oil on the navel and massage with it on both the sides.

Winter fatigue: If you feel tired and are unable to sleep in the winters, massage the whole body with rapeseed oil. Applies the oil on the soles before going to bed, It cures numbness of leg and relieves of tiredness.

Sagging breasts: To make breasts firm and healthy, massage them with rapeseed oil.

Dull Skin: If you have this problem, boil rapeseed in milk till the whole milk dries. Dry these boiled rapeseeds further and grind it. Apply this pack on the whole body for a glowing skin. Teeth and gums problems: Add rock salt in rapeseed oil and brush teeth with this paste to strengthen the teeth and curing bleeding gums. It also holds tooth decay and gives shining and sparkling teeth.

Arthritis: Add camphor in rapeseed oil and massage the affected areas.

Ear problems: Pour four to five drops of rapeseed oil in the ears everyday for curing ear pain caused due to cold wind.

Cough: Grind the rapeseeds and lick it with honey for immediate relief in case of phlegm related problems.

Cracked lips: rapessed can also be used for beauty care. Apply rapeseed oil on navel before having bath to prevent cracking and dryness of lips.

Lin seed
Linseed is the product of flax plant. It is the richest source of Omega-3 fatty acids and contains almost twice as much of the Omega-3s as fish oil. Omega-3 fatty acids lower high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels about 25% and 65% respectively. They lower the probability of a clot blocking the artery in the brainstroke, heart attack, lungs (pulmonary embolism) or the organ (gangrene). Omega-3s also bring down high blood pressure.

Cough: If you suffer from cough and cold, grind linseeds and sieve the powder and then boil it in water. Add 20 gm sugar candy or honey and take it for immediate relief in cough and other respiratory problems.

Seminal issues: If men have some problems related to semen, they can take equal quantities of linseed powder and unrefined sugar with half part pure ghee. Take one spoon of this mixture thrice daily to cure even the problem of infertility.

Insomnia: Mix equal quantities of linseed and castor oil in a bronze plate and beat the mixture nicely. Apply it in the eyes for getting good sleep.

Cholera: Mix 5-6 grams of linseeds powder with 50 gm of hot water. Administer this water to cholera patient regularly.

Groundnuts, also known as peanuts, are tasty as well as healthy. They are beneficial in the treatment of hemophilia and other such inherited blood disorders. People suffering from nose bleeding also benefit from eating groundnuts and it is also helpful in reducing excessive menstruation bleeding in women. Groundnut is rich in protein, phosphorous, thiamin and niacin which are needed to maintain and repair the bodily tissues. They are also rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, boron, etc. that help in brain function and development as well as strong bones. They have anti-oxidants and a chemical called resveratrol. These help in reducing the risk of contracting cardiovascular diseases, cancer risk and also help in anti-ageing.

Diabetes: Roasted groundnuts and have them in little quantity daily.

Physical weakness: Use groundnuts in everyday cooking like in fried rice etc. for easy bowel movement and overcoming tiredness.

Mouth Care: Chew few groundnuts everyday with salt to make the gums and upper jaw strong.

Feeding mothers: If the feeding mothers do not get sufficient milk, they should eat groundnuts regularly.

Dry skin: During winters, mix a little groundnut oil, milk and rose water and massage the whole body with this blend. Take bath after 20 minutes to keep your skin soft and smooth.

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