Ayurveda: Ayurvedic Diets

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ayurvedic Diets

Ayurveda has one unique feature- it recommends all its ayurvedic therapies on the basis of body constitution. If one wants to remain healthy, s/he must listen to their bodies and act accordingly. The same principle works when Ayurveda prescribes food for all. In fact, 'Aahar' or food is one of the “Traya Upastambha” (Essential Triads of Health). 'Ahar Pachan' or digestion is very important for defining the state of health of any person. Indigestion can lead to many diseases. So, how can one achieve proper digestion? Ayurveda suggests that one should eat such food which is compatible to one's body type. Body type in Ayurveda is defined on the basis of three Doshas- Vaata, Pitta and Kapha. To understand what foods are suitable to ones's body type, it is first essential to understand the concept of Doshas and the three Ayurvedic body types.

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