Ayurveda: Ayurvedic Cure for Menstrual Problems

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ayurvedic Cure for Menstrual Problems

Menstrual cycle is one thing that decides majority of women's health. Most of the women experience painful monthly menses. A painless and problem free menstrual cycle depends on the proper functioning of the endocrine glands to stimulate hormone secretion. With a healthy lifestyle and food habits, one can experience a healthy menstrual cycle. However, if menstrual problems persist, Ayurveda has a cure in the form of many Indian herbs and home remedies that can give relief to the suffering women.

Herbs for Treating Menstrual Problems

Asafetida increases the secretion of progesterone, the female hormone, facilitating smooth menstruation. It should be fried in ghee and mixed with goat’s milk and a spoonful of honey. Having this mixture for about a month reduces pain during menses.

Henna has a very cooling effect. The suppositories of its leaves are placed in the vagina of the women who have problem of excessive flow during menstruation.

Ginger is very effective for cold climates. The lower temperatures often cause painful and irregular menses. Ginger is infused with sugar and this preparation is administered to the women experiencing difficult menstruation.

Aloe vera
Aloe Vera is known to be a good stimulant of uterus. As such, it is often administered to the women experiencing painful menstruation.

Valerian or Valeriana Wallichii is used for stimulation of menstrual blood flow apart from being used for treating many other diseases.

Castor oil
If a woman experiences congestive pain during her menstrual cycle, she can get relief by taking castor oil before her periods are due.

Many women suffer due to heavy menstruation. They can take ashwagandha tonic for reducing heavy flow during menstruation.

The tonic liquorice is also useful for reducing heavy flow during menstruation.

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